Monday, May 4, 2009


We spent just one night in this magnificent city, but were able to get at least a sense of its romantic beauty from a guided tour and the walk back to our hotel, which some said had the nicest rooms and best food we've had on our entire trip. The city boasts a Roman coliseum even older than the one in Rome, marble sidewalks, pleasant piazzas and, of course, the Juliet balcony. According to our guide, Mauro, the real Romeo and Juliet actually did live happily ever after, but for whatever reason, Shakespeare decided to make the story a tragedy.

Mauro also told us all about how the Venetians ruled Verona for a long time, and held the city hostage with salt. They imported the valuable commodity and could threaten to cut it off at any time. Today it's off to Salzburg, the home of the classic salt mines. Perhaps we'll be able to tour one!

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