Sunday, April 26, 2009


We've just spent three nights and two days in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Here's a short list of some of our experiences: visited the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower (where some climbed or elevated to the top), the D'Orsay Museum, Le Tuileres Gardens,Notre Dame Cathedral (where some hiked up to the top), the Shakespeare & Co. bookstore, the Opera House, the Arc de Triumphe (where some hiked up to the top), etc., etc.

I myself must admit that when I got halfway up the Eiffel Tower, I had to come back down, even though I had a ticket to the top. My stomach felt as though it was falling down to my knees, which were wobbling. I was embarrassed, but not enough to brave it. There's something about the openness of the structure that just didn't work for me.

We tried to use our French, even though so many people speak perfect English. It was frustrating that no matter how perfectly we pronounced "bonjour," they could always tell. We thought we sounded pretty good!

Now it's off to Switzerland. We now need to learn German in two hours!

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